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Research themes in the lab

Mitochondrial dynamics in muscle stem cells

Mitochondria are essential organelles with a fundamental role in cellular metabolism. These dynamic organelles undergo constant fission and fusion events that dictate their overall morphology and bioenergetic status. Dysregulation of mitochondrial dynamics is an important pathogenic factor in many degenerative diseases and during aging, however, little is known regarding the effect this has on stem cell function and tissue regeneration. In particular, our  Lab focuses on exploring the metabolic and regenerative properties of skeletal muscle stem cells, while elucidating the role of mitochondrial dynamics in regulating these processes.

Mitochondrial dynamics in OXPHOS efficiency and neuronal survival

Neurons are high-energy demanding cells and require proper functioning mitochondria to maintain their health and survival. During stress conditions or in neurodegenerative diseases, mitochondria become fragmented, leading to OXPHOS dysfunction and cell death. Enhancing mitochondrial fusion or preventing fragmentation can restore neuronal health and survival. Our lab aims to uncover mechanisms that mediate mitochondrial elongation to enhance mitochondrial OXPHOS efficiency and neuronal survival in neurodegenerative diseases. 


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